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Tots on Trails - Registration Required - Storytime and binoculars!
Thu, 8/05/2021 10:00am to 12:00pm
See all dates
Martin Dies, Jr. SP
634 Park Road 48 South
, , 75951
United States (409) 698-6636

Toddler Park Programs - Storytime and binocular arts and crafts

This is a toddler-friendly program. The August program will involve a story called Gator, Gator, Gator by Daniel Bernstrom. After the book, we'll decorate toilet paper binoculars then head outside to practice using them. This lesson aids children in learning to focus on one thing at a time while enjoying nature. 

Guardian or parent involvement is necessary. These programs are appropriate for very young toddlers through kinder-aged children. 

To REGISTER or get more information contact Ranger Amy: 409-698-6636 or amy.kocurek@tpwd.texas.gov

toddlers outdoors
Toddlers on a nature trail.

When: The first Thursday of the month at 10 AM. The programs will last from 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.

Where: As of now we're planning on meeting at the Education Center on the Walnut Ridge Unit, but based on park closures this may change. We may head out to a different location in the park, but we'll meet each time in front of the nature center.

What to know: We'll be outside for a portion, if not all of this program so bring bug spray, sun protection, water, gardening gloves for your toddler and you (to use when exploring), a blanket or a towel to sit on, and snacks as needed.

Cost: The program is free, but if you plan on staying in the park after the program then you must obtain a park entry permit. Entrance fees are paid at Park Headquarters, self-pay stations, or online. Fees are $4 per person over the age of 13, children 12 and under are free. Bring your Texas state park pass to waive entry fees. 

Things To Do: 
All ages