We want to connect you with resources in your region that will help you and your family Play, Explore and Learn in nature. This page has useful links to things like curriculum, training opportunities, and tangible resources like gear or equipment. These resources come from our partners and are not an endorsement by TCiN or Nature Rocks Texas, but simply meant to be helpful to families.

52 Things to Do Outside Before You Grow Up helps children and families find ideas and inspiration for getting outside!

Explore nature around you using iNaturalist and upload images of what you find.  Identify what you can and watch scientists help identify what you don't know.  This is a great opportunity to help conservationalists learn what species are in your neighborhood.

Looking for science lessons that are focused on aquatic life and ecosystems in Texas instead of some far away place? Texas Aquatic Science is designed for students to learn about the ponds, lakes, marshes, streams, rivers, oceans and wildlife that are in our own communities.  It also has lessons about what types of careers are availble to young people in the aquatic science field. This curriculum is free and open to the public to use. 

The NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research provides a variety of learning and teaching tools designed to engage broad audiences and enhance America’s environmental literacy through the excitement of ocean discovery. In this Educational Materials section, you will find links to hundreds of lesson plans written by teachers for teachers, lessons built around specific ocean exploration expeditions across the globe.